BOOK REVIEW: Max Oxbrow and Tim Grass, eds., ‟The Mission of God. Studies in Orthodox and Evangelical Mission”, Regnum Studies in Mission (Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2015), 258 p.


  • Maxim MORARIU Hieromonk, Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate, Orthodox Metropoly of Cluj, Maramureş and Sălaj, Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj. Email:


Mission has always been an important topic both for the Ecumenical dialogue and the Churches. Therefore, nowadays, the researches dedicated to it are intensively investigated and discussed in different contexts. An interesting and recent book from this area can also be considered the one entitled: The Mission of God. Studies in Orthodox and Evangelical Mission, edited by Max Oxbrow and Tim Grass, that brings together 22 studies in missiology signed by specialised people from different scientific areas. The two editors, namely Reverend Canon Max Oxbrow, who is the international director of Faith2Share and Facilitator of the Lausanne Orthodox Initiative, and Rev. Tim Grass, important writer and theologian with a Baptist background, are helped by other 22 theologians from different confessional and geographical spaces, and they are analysing different aspects of mission and its understanding in Orthodox and Evangelical contexts.




How to Cite

MORARIU, M. . (2019). BOOK REVIEW: Max Oxbrow and Tim Grass, eds., ‟The Mission of God. Studies in Orthodox and Evangelical Mission”, Regnum Studies in Mission (Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2015), 258 p. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa, 64(1), 155 – 156. Retrieved from



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