
  • Szabolcs ANDRÁS Dr Szabolcs András, Lecturer, Babeș–Bolyai University, Faculty of Roman Catholic University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; e-mail: andras.szabolcs@ubbcluj.ro. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4718-8747




Augustine of Hippo, Donatism, Pelagianism, Numidia, Matron, Human Trafficking, Ethnic conflict, Migration, Council of Diospolis, Antonius of Fussala.


The present study aims to explore the sociopolitical background of Augustine’s theology by way of analysing three of his letters. Augustine’s letters contain a number of elements that contribute to our understanding how changes in the social conditions influenced the bishop’s views concerning issues such as free will, sin, or freedom. In addition, we can also observe that Augustine was preoccupied with social issues still relevant today such as migration, taking care of refugees, death sentence, or the relationship between state power and freedom.


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How to Cite

ANDRÁS, S. (2022). EFFECTS OF THE SOCIOPOLITICAL CONTEXT ON SAINT AUGUSTINE’S THEOLOGY. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Catholica Latina, 67(1), 45–56. https://doi.org/10.24193/theol.cath.latina.2022.LXVII.1.03




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