Byzantine Empire, Christianity, Church, emperors, council, heretics, culture, civilization.Abstract
The Macedonian dynasty (867-1056) opened a new stage in the history of Byzantium, which will lead the Byzantine Empire to its medieval peak. Thus, for 150 years the Byzantine Empire had a period in which it experienced important achievements on all levels. Between 867-1025 the Empire was led by some remarkable leaders, who distinguished themselves exceptionally. The representatives of this dynasty were the most brilliant leaders that Byzantium now had. They were people with an energetic and strong personalities, without mercy and scruples, with an authoritarian and strong will, trying to be feared rather than to win the sympathy and love of those they led. The grandeur of the Empire was the focus of their rule, proving that they were great military leaders, as they spent most of their reign among soldiers, in which they identified the source of the monarchy’s power.References
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