Synodality Before the Synod As the Path of a Religious Community. The Theological and Social Initiatives of the Sisters of Social Service in Transylvania in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
Society of the Sisters of Social Service, community charism, modernity, social work, liturgical movement, synodality, women in the ChurchAbstract
As the Society of the Sisters of Social Service, an international religious community established in Hungary, celebrates the centenary of its foundation, evoking the early stages of its mission provides an opportunity for re-examining the charism of the society. The success of the Sisters of Social Service, their ability to deal effectively with the challenges of their time, in particular those emerging in the interwar period and during the second world war, was largely due to their modern and open-minded vision. This paper discusses the charism of the society, shaped by Benedictine spirituality and devotion to the Holy Spirit, focusing on two aspects of their activity, their social sensitivity and commitment to social work, and their contribution to the dissemination of the ideas of the liturgical movement. These initiatives also highlight the contribution of women to the mission of the Church before their explicit acknowledgement in contemporary synodal documents.
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