reason, evolution, truth, science, Church, creation, evolutionism, creationism.Abstract
Doctrine of creation and evolution. The dialogue between science and faith has seen many fluctuations in different historical periods. Currently, as recalled by Pope Benedict XVI in a speech in 2008, in an audience granted to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, there isn’t any kind of conflict between how the mystery of creation is perceived through faith and the proofs of empirical science. Autonomy is an essential feature that must be the root of a fruitful dialogue. Any analysis and study that considers the belief in God – the Creator and the scientific research must take into account the different characteristics and meanings of both faith and science. Theology does not seek so much a theory of the origin of the world in a technical sense, but rather a relation between God - the Creator and the world as his creation. Science can only analyze empirical aspects and can investigate categorical causes, without reaching the notion of creation in the theological sense, but relying only on experimental aspects.
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