The pedagogical model for developing research/investigation competence in primary school students (Natural Sciences)


  • Marieta NEAGU "Ion Ionescu" Gymnasium School, Valea Călugărească, Rachieri Secondary School, Prahova structure, Romania. Email:



school competence, research/investigation competence, didactic principle, educational paradigms, STE(A)M activities


The article presents the theoretical foundation of the pedagogical model for developing research/investigation competence in primary school students (Natural Sciences) - DCCI-ECP (NS). This model is based on instructional theories, learning theories, educational paradigms focused on competence, socio-constructivist and cognitive approaches, as well as didactic principles. Its structure follows the logical and scientific argumentation of the components of the educational process involved in the development of research/investigation competence (RIC). The normative framework provided by educational policy documents integrates the epistemology and teleology of RIC. The originality of the model lies in its integrated approach through STEAM project-based activities in the Natural Sciences subject for primary school students, addressing all structural components of RIC: cognitive, conative, behavioral, objective/reflexive components. The article highlights the relevance of RIC for the development of young students as a general school competence within the Romanian educational system.


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How to Cite

NEAGU, M. (2024). The pedagogical model for developing research/investigation competence in primary school students (Natural Sciences). Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia, 69(2), 117–134.


