
  • Levi-Sudai PAZIT Doctoral School of Philosophy &Social and Political Sciences, Sociology Department, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iași, Romania.
  • Doina BALAHUR Department of Sociology, Human Resources and Social work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Political Sciences, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iași, Romania.



at-risk youth; attachment; perceived self-efficacy; socio-educational work.


Background: Although attachment theory and efficacy theory are well-developed the determinants of perceived self-efficacy have been much less researched. Aims & research questions: This study measures and explains the association between the attachment style and perceived self-efficacy of Israeli socio-educational workers working with at-risk educational system drop-outs. Methodology: This 2016-19 study of a large national sample deployed a Convergent Parallel Mixed Methods design. This first paper offers two findings from a semi-structured qualitative interview. Findings: (1) An important proportion of workers come to the job pre-equipped and pre-committed for it by their upbringing and life since early childhood. (2) Almost all will significantly grow their PSE on the job. Discussion: PSE develops throughout the lifespan. Noddings’ ‘pedagogy of care’ helps explain many workers’ heartfelt sense of mission. Conclusions: PSE will not grow successfully on the job unless the working environment is made a ‘safe haven’ and ‘secure base’ for the workers.


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