A Review of Generations X and Y’ Work Values and Attitudes Across North America and Europe





generational theory, work values, work attitudes


The Generational Theory, on the other hand, has been used uniformly in numerous studies without taking into account the historical, social, and cultural variations from one place to another. Because Generation X, and Millennials are currently the most significant generational cohorts for the employment market, this study aims to investigate from a historical perspective the fundamental and work value, leadership styles, and work attitudes of these generations, taking into account regional differences between the North America and European nations. The review indicates that an increasing number of studies have adopted the assumption that, regardless differences in social and economic situations of different nations, generational cohorts have the same patterns and biases. The research conducted in this article contributes to enhancing the approach of generational theory in organizational behaviors studies and highlighting the idea of stark disparities across various areas and nations based on various historical occurrences.

Article history: Received: February 22, 2024; Reviewed: March 10, 2024;
Accepted: March 25, 2024; Available online: March 29, 2024.

JEL classification: N30, J10.


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How to Cite

NEGRUȘA, A. L. . (2024). A Review of Generations X and Y’ Work Values and Attitudes Across North America and Europe. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Negotia, 69(1), 39–54. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbnegotia.2024.1.02




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