
  • Claudia POP Claudia Pop, Ph. Dr., Lecturer professor, The Transylvania University from Braşov, str. A. Şaguna, nr. 2, cod 500123. E-mail:


Martin Luther, the preacher, the composer


Martin Luther, this Holy man, has dedicated his entire life, to the understanding of the teachings of Jesus Christ, in a wonderful way. Not to require wrong doing, not to take vengeance, to offer the other cheek, not to resist evil, to give the cloak along with the coat, to go two miles for one, to give to every one that asks, to lend to him who borrows, to pray for persecutors, to love enemies, to do good to them that hate, etc., as Christ himself teaches. The protestant choral was one of his preferred ways of the manifestations of his sorrows. The strength of his words was transformed into music, as he, himself explained: I learned this of the poet Virgil, who has the power so artfully to adapt his verses, and his words to the story he is telling; in like manner must Music govern all its notes and melodies by the text.



***, Etext of The Hymns of Martin Luther from the Project Gutenberg Etext of The Small Catechism of Martin Luther Released February 18, 1996

***, Preface to the Complete Edition of Luther's Latin Writings, Luther's Works Volume 34, Career of the Reformer IV (Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, 1960

Carlyile, Thomas, Conferences about Heroes, Cult of Heroes, Translations, New York, 1968

Denizeau, Gérard, Să înţelegem şi să identificăm genurile musicale (Let’s understand and identify the musical genres), Larousse Dictionary, Meridiane Publishing House, Bucharest, 1979

Luther, Martin, Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1535), Translated by Theodore Graebner, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House, Michigan, 1949

Luther, Martin, Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, Translated by Charles A. Hay, d. d., The Ages Digital Library Commentary

Luther, Martin, Dr., Die gantze Heilige Schrifft Deudsch 1545 aufs new zurericht, Ed. Hans Volz and Heinz Blanke. Munich: Roger & Bernhard, 1972

Luther, Martin, The Freedom of a Christian, The Harvard Classics edited by Charles W. Eliot, P. F. Collier & Son, NY, 1910

Rambach, August Jakob, Ueber D. Martin Luthers Verdienst um den Kirchengesang, oder Darstellung desjenigen was er als Liturg, als Liederdichter und Tonsetzer zur Verbesserung des oeffentlichen Gottesdienstes geleistet hat, Hamburg, 1813

Spangenberg, August Gottlieb, Preface to the Cithara Lutheri, 1545, Quoted in the Christian Examiner, 1860, p. 240; transcribed Philadelphia, 1875

Stevens, Denis, Monteverdi, Sacred, Secular and Occasional Music, Rutherford, 1978




How to Cite

POP, C. (2010). MARTIN LUTHER AND THE PROTESTANT CHORAL. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 55(1), 41–47. Retrieved from


