music education, music pedagogy, concert pedagogy, listening to musicAbstract
All over the world, the past decades have seen a continuous decrease in the number of the audiences at classical music concerts. It is not only I who has long been occupied with the question of how to make classical music popular with the young generation. The education of the audience has been gaining ground recently in the policies of concert organisers and professional performing ensembles. The aim of innovative experience-based concerts is to complement the musical education of school-age children by familiarising them with the art of listening to music. Presenting the values of classical music, which is the main task of this mission, is in the interest of performers and audiences alike as they are in an interdependent relationship. Examining the habits of listening to music not only as cultural consumption but also as an educational issue, we lay emphasis on the methods of musical education and educating lovers of music. For this purpose, we focus on the development of an adequate receptive attitude and the improvement of receptive competencies. We have studied how the effective presentation of music and educational concerts can complement school-age children’s musical education in an experience-based way and familiarise them with the art of listening to music.References
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Online Sources
European Association for Music in Schools, last downloaded: 5 January 2015
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