piano method book, skill/talent development, piano pedagogy.Abstract
The first several years of instrumental study are crucial in the formation of one’s fundamental attitude toward music. The manner in which a child is taught and the goals set by the teacher during this period can shape his/her relationship to music for a lifetime. So-called piano method books are widely used in the earliest stages of study. The increased popularity of piano lessons has made this activity an important venue for learning about music in general, not only for the musically gifted, but also for children of average ability. In this sense, the chosen pedagogical approach and teaching tools – including method books – greatly influence students, piano teachers, and parents. Thus, an examination and comparison of the developmental strategies found in various piano method books is paramount. The results of this exploratory research, a comparative analysis of six different Hungarian piano method books, may bear potentially significant implications from a wider, international perspective. Moreover, the selected analytical criteria used here offer a basis for further research of piano method books and pedagogical styles.References
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Other Piano Method Books:
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