Terrestrial isopods (Crustacea, Izopoda) of peat bogs in Romania
peat bogs, marshland, terrestrial isopods, woodland.Abstract
Nine terrestrial isopod species were identified in five peat bogs in Romania. Out of these six were marshland species (Ligidium germanicim, Ligidium hypnorum, Hyloniscus riparius, Hyloniscus transsylvanicus, Hyloniscus mariae, Hyloniscus siculus) and three woodland species (Protracheoniscus politus, Porcellium conspersum and Trachelipus difficilis). Most species (seven species) were identified in the „Răbufnitoarea” peat bog, which was the smallest habitat, its area being only 1 ha. In the habitat of the Băgău peat bog (3 ha) four species were identified, out of which two were present with a sigle individual only. In the other habitats with a relative large area between 38 and 120 ha, only one or two species were identified. Protracheoniscus politus was present in all studied habitats, Ligidium germanicum in 3 habitats, all the other species in only one or two habitats. All studied habitats are surrounded with spruce (Picea abies) and decidous forests and pastures. The populations of the peat bogs are proceeded from the surrounding habitats. In Romania research considering terrestrial isopods of these habitat types has never been done.
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