The First Clustering Centre on Plant Biotechnology in Romania
clustering, crops technology, plant biotechnology policy, technology transfer, Romania.Abstract
Plant biotechnology starts to develop worldwide in the beginning of the XXth century and it took more than 60 years to become recognized as an important pillar for supporting food security at the global level. Later on, after 1990 plant biotechnology become part of the bio-economy. Researchers from Romania recovered a lot in developing plant biotechnology as a science between 1970 and 1990. Still technology transfer from research to industry was pioneered with the support of researchers from the Biological Research Center Cluj-Napoca, Romania and implemented in Brașov County in 1988 when started the construction of the Plant Biotechnology Laboratory of Sere Codlea. In the next two years other three institutions have been developed clustering for the first time higher education, research and industry in 1990. The scope of this article is to emphasize relevant moments for the development of the cluster centre for plant biotechnology in Brașov County. Thus, the Biological Research Center Cluj-Napoca, three research institutions and one industry partner dedicated for plants biotechnology (e.g. ornamental plants, potato, sugar beet and grasses) implemented relevant mechanisms for technology transfer from research to industry. The Plant Biotechnology Laboratory of Sere Codlea, dedicated for ornamental and potato biotechnologies, collapsed due to the inconsistency of development policies before 2000. The other three research institutions joined together in a single one institute due to research policies of the time. That was one of the greatest losses of the country in terms of human and financial resources in supporting food security of the country and therefore Romania needs to recover these values for the future generations.
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