Has the Fluocinolon-acetonid N ointment any effect on the kidneys and the thyroid gland structure and function?
glucocorticoid excess, kidney, thyroid gland.Abstract
Besides the naturally occurring glucocorticoids, there are many other synthetically produced glucocorticoids: dexamethasone, prednisolone, triamcinolone, triamcinolone acetonide, flumetazon, methyl prednisone and methylprednisolone. Corticosteroids are administered intravenously, orally, through inhalation directly onto the inflamed organ, eye drops and by applying skin ointments. Although long term use has its undesirable effects, e.g. high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes and renal failure. Fluocinolon-acetonid N ointment is a synthetic derivate of the adrenocortical hormone, which is used for medical treatment purposes in dermatology. We also use it in our homes, mostly due to its anti-inflammatory effect, in the treatment of itching, and also in the acute keratosis. It is highly effective in serious, non contagious, dry skin inflammations, such as atopic eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, dermatitis or even in allergic reactions. In prolonged usage due to its liposoluble properties, it is easily absorbed into the bloodstream, which increases the chances of having side effects. The main objective of this study is to analyze the side effects of glucocorticoid excess when treatment is done with Fluocinolon- acetonid N ointment, to see if it has any effect on organs which have an important role in maintaining basal metabolism such as kidneys and thyroid gland. Our results demonstrate that fluocinolon treatment affects the structure and the function of kidneys and thyroid gland.
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