Public health implication of the detection of pathogenic bacteria in beef during processing in abattoirs from Benin City, Nigeria
abattoir, antibiotics, bacteria, pathogens, virulence genes.Abstract
The aim of this study was to determine the presence of pathogenic bacteria in beef during processing in abattoirs within Benin City, Nigeria. A total of 100 samples were obtained from12 sales tables and 8 processing halls during the study period. Isolation, enumeration and characterization of bacterial isolates were carried out using standard methods. Antibiogram of the test isolates was determined using disc diffusion technique. Bacterial isolates were screened for virulence genes. The results of this study showed that the highest total bacterial count was recorded in the processing hall at abattoir 4 (9.28 ± 0.26 x 103 cfu/cm2) and the least (3.47 ± 0.19 x 103 cfu/cm2) was from the processing hall at abattoir 2. The identified isolates were Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus sp. and Salmonella sp. All were multi-drug resistant. In this study, 11 Escherichia coli isolates were screened for the tsh (temperature sensitive haemagglutinin) virulence gene and 63.6% were positive for the tsh virulence gene. The virulence-associated gene in Staphylococcus sp. showed that only 22.2% tested positive to hlg (gamma hemolysin) gene while 93.3% of Salmonella sp. were positive for the invA (invasive protein) gene. These results revealed the presence of multi-drug resistant bacterial isolates with virulence properties in beef during processing in abattoirs. Therefore, strict hygiene measures should to be put in place to combat the proliferation of these pathogenic bacterial isolates. In addition, misuse and abuse of antibiotics should be prohibited as these pathogens are becoming more resistant to most conventional drugs, thereby making associated diseases difficult to cure.
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