Erőszakmentes kommunikáció és az erőszak terei – Kiselőadás




violence, spaces of violence, non-violent communication


Spaces of Violence and Communication – Workshop

Theories that seek to explain the phenomenon of violence call forth hope: perhaps violence will be eradicated one day and life will be more liveable and beautiful on this planet. But violence is an accessible and therefore very attractive position of action for all, and we no longer consider it an “occupational accident” or an “extreme case”. Anyone who wants to know what is going on when people become violent towards each other, they need to find answers to the question why people cross even strong boundaries to hurt or kill others. Why is it so hard to stop any kind of war despite the terrible consequences? What does it mean to live in “spaces of violence” (Jörg Baberowski), and what role does communication play in their formation and maintenance?


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How to Cite

KIS, K. (2023). Erőszakmentes kommunikáció és az erőszak terei – Kiselőadás. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 68(2), 371–385.




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