Northern Asia, geography, explorations, Russians in the Far East, historiographyAbstract
Russian exploration in the 17th century attracted the attention of twentieth-century geographers, a fact that also resulted in a series of translations of texts produced by Russian embassies in the Far East, especially those beginning to deal with the Qing dynasty. The British geographer John F. Baddeley was one of these geographers, as he was also a member of the Royal Geographical Society. He not only translated texts, but also explored the Russian territories under discussion using the corpus of manuscripts compiled by the Russian ambassador to the Qing, Nicolae Milescu. The reception of his translations and his venture into North Asia by historians of science and geographers is remarkable, and it is equally a nuance where the history of the 17th century seems to ‘encounter’ Baddeley’s time of exploration in the 20th century.
Primary Sources
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