
  • Ralph GREIS Benedictine monk PhD, Abbey of Gerleve, Billerbeck, Germany. Email:



St. Gregory Palamas, St. Benedict of Nursia, monasticism, monastic spirituality, novitiate


The theology of Saint Gregory Palamas is of crucial importance for monastic spirituality. In his writings as well as in his Vita, composed by Philotheos Kokkinos, there are several instances which deal with aspects of a novitiate, that is, the process of becoming a monk. These elements will be examined in the context of Byzantine monastic rules (typika) and the earlier monastic tradition, both in East and West. In the sixth century, St. Benedict of Nursia adopted these early Eastern traditions for Western monasticism. Therefore, they constitute a strong common ground until today. This article attempts to show some traits of St. Gregory Palamas’ own monastic career, what he himself considered important, and what could be considered important for today.


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How to Cite

GREIS, R. . (2023). ASPECTS OF MONASTIC FORMATION, PROBATION, AND EDUCATION IN ST. GREGORY PALAMAS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa, 67(2), 293–331.




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