

Christian apologetic, Latin apologists, Tertullian, St. Cyprian, Western Church, missionary, confession work


The value of Latin apologists was confirmed over the centuries due to their written confessions, where we find both the ground for the theological, spiritual and polemical argument, and honest assessment of contemporary realities. Realistic tone and moderate spirit give the advantage of a safe opening towards contemporary theology. From legal notions, to socio-moralizing records and to great profound theological arguments, this direction of theology provides an inexhaustible source of priceless help to define current reality. This is, because many of the cases and situations apologetically analysed in those times are still up to present true. On the other hand, if it were to talk about a specific methodology of the Latin apologists, we would definitely stop on the practicality of their works. From Tertullian to Minucius Felix, from St. Cyprian to Lactantius, the professing work of the Western Church aimed at highlighting the manhood truth, the only essential reality to religious metamorphoses undergone by human being.


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How to Cite

APOSTOLACHE, I. . (2016). CHURCH CONFESSING WORK IN THE EARLY CENTURIES OF CHRISTIANITY: FIRST LATIN APOLOGIES. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa, 61(1), 181 – 204. Retrieved from




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