BOOK REVIEW: Mircea-Gheorghe Abrudan. ‟Ortodoxie şi Luteranism în Transilvania între Revoluţia Paşoptistă şi Marea Unire. Evoluţie istorică şi relaţii confesionale” [‟Orthodoxy and Lutheranism in Transylvania between the 1848 Revolution and the Great Unio



Through this work, published three years ago, young historian Mircea Abrudan offers us a substantial monographic contribution regarding one of the exceptional personalities of the Romanian nation in the Habsburg Empire, Orthodox bishop Andrei Șaguna. Initially presented as a doctoral thesis at the Faculty of History and Philosophy, under the coordination of professors Nicolae Bocșan and Rudolf Gräf, the present book is not devoid of a celebratory connotation: the year before its printing, 2014, marked the 150th anniversary of the concretization of the great Șagunian project: the foundation (re-activation) of the Transylvanian Orthodox Metropolitan Church. Far from being dictated by celebratory reasons of conjuncture, the present work sensibly enriches the knowledge of ecclesiatical history of the Orthodox Romanians living in the mid-19th and second half of the 19th century.




How to Cite

CÂRJA, I. (2018). BOOK REVIEW: Mircea-Gheorghe Abrudan. ‟Ortodoxie şi Luteranism în Transilvania între Revoluţia Paşoptistă şi Marea Unire. Evoluţie istorică şi relaţii confesionale” [‟Orthodoxy and Lutheranism in Transylvania between the 1848 Revolution and the Great Unio. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa, 63(1), 143 – 145. Retrieved from



Book Reviews