

messianic Judaism, Orthodox Church, religious dialogue, fundamentalism, new improvements


My paper deals with the necessity of existing cultural, social and religious dialogues between the leaders of the messianic Judaism movement and the metropolitan Orthodox Church, based on an honest, reverent and respectful approach, in order to present to this marvelous Jewish Christian community, the spirituality of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Body of Christ, that is the Orthodox Church. The elimination of the dichotomy fundamentalism vs. liberalism is a goal that has to be accomplished, so we can develop a constructive ecumenical dialogue that promotes our Holy Tradition of the Apostolic Orthodox Church. Last part of my research contains several suggestions regarding means of improving the dialogue while accepting the fact that both messianic Judaism and Orthodox Christians inherited specific authority, doctrines, practices and above all, a complementary Christian Tradition.


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How to Cite

VARGA, C. . (2016). THE RELIGIOUS DIALOGUE BETWEEN THE ORTHODOX CHURCH AND THE JEWISH CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa, 61(2), 25 – 42. Retrieved from


