Christ, Truth, transcendental reduction, phenomenological reduction, eidetic reduction, reduction to givenness, theological counter-reduction, faith, grace, God, transcendence, Edmund Husserl, Jean-Luc MarionAbstract
Starting with Husserl’s phenomenology and advancing to Jean-Luc Marion’s and Jean-Yves Lacoste’s phenomenology and to the revealed theology, this paper aims to answer the question: How does the Truth appear? Husserl’s phenomenological reduction made the appearance of God, who remained in an absolute transcendence, impossible; but John’s Gospel states that Christ is the Truth. We accept both of these opinions and offer the following answers: the religious phenomena, which have to do with a religious life and knowledge, could appear after one ignores or weakens the Husserlian epoché; God could appear if the phenomenological reduction became a reduction to givenness; the religious phenomena could appear after a theological counter-reduction, which separated itself from phenomenological rigor and belonged to theology.
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