
  • Ștefan ȘUTEU ‟European Paradigm” Doctoral School, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. E-mail:



Christian Reformation, Wycliffe, Lollardism, Calvin, Calvinism, Arminius, Five Theses of Calvinism, TULIP, Remonstrance, Counter-Remonstrance.


The doctrinal system of Protestantism has its roots in the religious movements which stirred con-troversies during the Papal schism (14th15th centuries). A fundamental change of perspective viewed in relation to the traditional Catholic system has begun in the British Isles and was initiated by the rector of Lutterworth, John Wycliffe. The present paper outlines similarities / differences be-tween Wycliffe’s theology and the conceptual frame of Calvinism (the so called TULIP). Wycliffe’s doctrine has echoes in Calvin’s and Arminius’ doctrine and, through their mediation, Wycliffe, known as the “Morning Star of the Reformation” exerted a wider influence on the Protestant movement.


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How to Cite

ȘUTEU, Ștefan. (2019). REFORM 500. WYCLIFFE – A KEY TO A PUZZLE BETWEEN CALVIN AND ARMINIUS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Catholica Latina, 64(1), 102–122.


