food, label, package, consumer, expiration dateAbstract
This study explores the relationship between food labelling and consumer behaviour, with the primary aim of identifying the factors influencing food choices and evaluating the impact of education level and gender on the consultation of labels. The methodology involved data collection through a questionnaire distributed on Facebook, ensuring a varied geographic and demographic coverage. The results revealed significant differences in food choice behaviour influenced by area of residence and gender, with important criteria such as price and packaging appearance. A significant association was found between education level and the criteria for selecting products, and no notable differences were identified in label consultation between men and women. Contrary to the formulated hypothesis, there was no evidence that the level of education leads to significant difficulties in understanding label information. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of the factors influencing consumer behaviour in the food sector, although limitations related to the online data collection method and sample size may affect the generalisability of the results. Future research could benefit from a larger sample and additional methods to gain more comprehensive and precise insights.
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