
  • Ștefan BOSOMITU PhD, Researcher, The Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of Romanian Exile, Bucharest, e-mail:


communist Romania, history of social sciences, sociology, institutionalization.


DOI: 10.1515/subbs-2017-0005


Suppressed on ideological grounds, banned as academic discipline, and dismantled as scientific infrastructure in the first postwar years, sociology was re-institutionalized in communist Romania during the 1960s, largely on political grounds. Subsequently, the discipline developed and augmented within an impressive scientific infrastructure – several university departments were established, research centres and facilities initiated, and specialized periodicals issued. Still, the prosperous period of Romanian sociology concluded after just one decade, through another political decision, which confined the study of sociology to post-graduate specialization and restricted research. My paper explores sociology’s institutional infrastructure, as it was established after the discipline’s renewal, focusing on the institutions created, but also on the biographical analysis of those involved within these processes. My paper will address the matter from a historical perspective, discussing the developments and the evolutions in the field by circumscribing to the political, cultural, and socio-economic contexts.


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How to Cite

BOSOMITU, Ștefan. (2017). SOCIOLOGY IN COMMUNIST ROMANIA: AN INSTITUTIONAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL OVERVIEW. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Sociologia, 62(1), 65–84. Retrieved from




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