

magnetic fluids, ferrofluids, magnetic nanocomposites, nano-micro composite fluids, magnetic properties, magnetorheological properties.


Magnetic nanofluids, nano-micro composite fluids and polymeric nanocomposites designed for leakage-free rotating magnetofluidic seals and for biomedicine and magnetic separation are reviewed. The synthesis procedures and the magnetic and magnetorheological properties are discussed in terms of achieving the highest volume or mass magnetization of the nanomaterials prepared for specific applications.

Author Biographies

V. SOCOLIUC, Romanian Academy-Timișoara Branch, Romania,

Romanian Academy-Timișoara Branch, Center for Fundamental and Advanced Technical Research, Lab. Magnetic Fluids, 24 M. Viteazu Ave., 300222 Timișoara, Romania,;

R. TURCU, National Institute R&D for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,

National Institute R&D for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, 67-103 Donat str., 400293 Cluj-Napoca, Romania,

D. SUSAN-RESIGA, Romanian Academy-Timișoara Branch, Romania,

Romanian Academy-Timișoara Branch, Center for Fundamental and Advanced Technical Research, Lab. Magnetic Fluids, 24 M. Viteazu Ave., 300222 Timișoara, Romania,

T. BORBÁTH, ROSEAL Co., Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania,

ROSEAL Co., 5A Nicolae Balcescu str., Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania,

L. VÉKÁS, Romanian Academy-Timișoara Branch, Romania. Corresponding author e-mail:

Romanian Academy-Timișoara Branch, Center for Fundamental and Advanced Technical Research, Lab. Magnetic Fluids, 24 M. Viteazu Ave., 300222 Timișoara, Romania. Corresponding author e-mail:,


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How to Cite

SOCOLIUC, V., TURCU, R., SUSAN-RESIGA, D., BORBÁTH, T., & VÉKÁS, L. (2015). MAGNETIC FLUIDS AND NANOCOMPOSITES: IMPROVING THE MAGNETIC RESPONSE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Physica, 60(1), 9–19. Retrieved from


