rare earth based intermetallic compounds, Curie temperature, magnetocaloric effect.Abstract
Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect under moderate magnetic field in polycrystalline Pr1-xCexCo3 compounds with x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 are reported. The powder X-ray diffraction measurements show that all samples crystallize in the rhombohedral PuNi3-type structure (space group: R-3m), specific for PrCo3, with the lattice parameters decreasing with the cerium content. The magnetic measurements indicate a transition from a magnetic order state to a paramagnetic one below room temperature. The Curie temperature decreases roughly linear with the Ce concentration from 270 K for x = 0.1 to 146 K for x = 0.4. A moderate magnetocaloric effect was found for all samples, with the maximum entropy change located at temperatures near the magnetic transition ones.
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