Helmuth Plessner’s Philosophy of the Work of Art in Anthropological and Phenomenological Perspective





philosophical anthropology, phenomenology, Helmuth Plessner, Edmund Husserl, Max Beckmann, corporeality, Umwelt, resonance, new form.


This paper aims to explore the theme of art in Helmuth Plessner’s philosophical anthropology and show the possibilities of its use in the analysis of artistic creation and artwork. The article is divided into three parts: in the first part, it presents the background of Plessner’s anthropological project and the intersection of his philosophy with Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology. This strategy enables the synergy of both approaches which can be used for reflection of art. The second part displays the scope and ingenuity of Plessner’s approach through a selection of texts where he addresses art. And finally, the third part delves into a functional elaboration of the anthropology of an artwork, specifically, using Max Beckmann as an example, into the question of anthropological foundations in art making, and the question of new form in art. For the latter question, I use the approach to architecture as an example relying on corporeality and Umwelt as guiding concepts. This analysis provides, on the one hand, description of anthropologically significant phenomena of artistic production of the first half of the twentieth century, and on the other hand, reveals functional determinations of corporeality, the world, and resonance with the world, the so-called equilibrium, which can be used to understand the artwork, and artistic production in the creation of a new form in art.

Author Biography

Jaroslava VYDROVÁ, Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia. Email: Jaroslava.Vydrova@savba.sk

Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia. Email: Jaroslava.Vydrova@savba.sk


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How to Cite

VYDROVÁ, J. (2024). Helmuth Plessner’s Philosophy of the Work of Art in Anthropological and Phenomenological Perspective. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philosophia, 69(1), 85–105. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbphil.2024.1.05




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