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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript represents original work. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • All authors confirm this manuscript is devoid of plagiarism of any form (i.e., direct plagiarism, self-plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, or accidental plagiarism) with respect to ideas, data, words, graphic materials or other forms of communication and understand that this manuscript will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin anti-plagiarism software.
  • All authors have seen and approved the manuscript being submitted. Common agreement has been reached before submission. The corresponding author is responsible for the submission, on behalf of all co-authors. No additional authors might be added post submission, unless editors receive detailed explanation.
  • The submission files are prepared for upload: the manuscript (in Microsoft Word file format) and the declarations file.
  • The text is written in English and adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines. For the articles written in languages other than English, the authors must provide the title of the article in English, also the abstract and keywords.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

Author Guidelines


Indications for Authors:

Recommended citation: When citing the journal, please use the abbreviation: Studia UBB. Philosophia. (Ex .: Studia UBB. Philosophia, Vol. 65 (2020), No. 3, pp. __ – _, DOI:)

  1. General indications

– The texts proposed for publication must be previously unpublished.

– Concerning a future re-publication, the author are required to ask the permission of the editor-in-chief and must mention the first publication in Studia UBB. Philosophia.

– The manuscripts will be submitted via email as attachment, in Word Document format (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf). They should be prepared for blind review. Therefore, the name of the author(s) and their affiliation will be sent separately, together with the abstract.

– The texts cannot be longer than 75.000 characters, including spaces and footnotes for articles, and 25.000 characters for article reviews and commentaries.

– The texts can be written in English, French, German.

– The articles should be accompanied by a short abstract written in English (maximum 700 characters).

Responsibility for the views expressed in this journal remains solely with the authors.


  1. The authors are required to write the texts conformingly the following norms:
  2. Body Text

Times New Roman, at 12 points, justified, at 1,5 lines

  1. Chapter titles and other sections
  2. a) titles: Times New Roman, at 14 points, Bold
  3. b) subsections: Times New Roman, at 12 points, Bold
  4. Quotations
  5. a) If the quotation is less than 3 lines long, it can be given in the text
  6. b) If the quotation is more than 3-4 lines long, it is indicated apart as it follows:

– Font 11, no quotation marks; Paragraph Indent left text 5 mm, Indent right text 5 mm, Spacing before 6 pt, Spacing after 6 pt.

  1. Quotations marks: accordingly to the orthographical rules of the language in witch the article is written
  2. References in the footnotes (PLEASE USE FOOTNOTES ONLY!)

Font: Times New Roman, at 10 points

  1. Bibliography
  2. a) books:

<Author>, <Title>, <publishing company>, <year>.

  1. b) Article published in an edited volume:

<Author>, <”Article title”>, in <Ed.>, <Title>, <publishing company>, <year>, <page(s)>.

  1. c) Article published in a journal

<Author>, <”Article title”>, in <Journal title>, <No.> / <year>, <publishing company>, <page(s)>.


– The authors will receive galley proofs for the final correction before publishing.

– In the galley proofs, one cannot operate large phrase corrections, but only letters and small words corrections.

Introductions & Arguments

Introductions & Arguments present the main topics of the volume. They are not peer-reviewed, and do not receive doi numbers. They should not exceed 10 pages (in Studia UBB Philosophia format).


Section default policy


Varia is the journal's section with articles from various fields.

In Memoriam

In memoriam are manuscripts that honor a deceased personality.
They are published in English and should not exceed 5 pages (in Studia UBB Philosophia format).

Book Reviews

Book reviews are presentations of original books. They are not peer-reviewed, and do not receive doi numbers. They should not exceed 10 pages (in Studia UBB Philosophia format).

Call for Papers

Call for Papers Studia Universitatis Babeș‐Bolyai Philosophia

also posted on our blog:

Perspectives about truth. Truth and other semantic notions

Studia Philosophia UBB – No 3/2023

Truth is a central notion in various philosophical debates. For this issue of the journal we are interested in articles that engage with questions regarding truth and other semantic notions.. When it comes to analytic philosophy, different truth theories aim to define truth and provide a complex and comprehensive explanation. From the substantive theory of truths (coherence, correspondence) to the deflationary ones, they all seem to have both weak and strong points. Some sample research topics might include, but are certainly not limited to:

● How can truth be defined?

● What are the links between semantic notions?

● Can semantic deflationism be epistemologically and metaphysically thin?

● How is truth presented in different philosophical traditions?

Deadline: August 1, 2023

Information for authors:


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