embodied cognition; enactivism; interaction; meaning; affectivity; higher order cognition; embodied language; thinking; embodied education; Heidegger, Martin; Richir, Marc; Gadamer, Hans-Georg; Merleau-Ponty, Maurice; Gibson, James; Varela, Francisco; Di Paolo, Ezechiel; Gallagher, Shaun.Abstract
The paper outlines a series of introductory remarks on the dossier “Philosophical perspectives on embodied cognition and interaction.” The first section identifies two major philosophical issues emerged as crucial in the investigations related to embodied cognition and challenged their conceptual limits: (1) situated action and interactions, and (2) the interface problem. A discussion of the way in which the embodied-enactivist accounts might improve our understanding of diverse forms of embodied cognitive practices can be found in the following section. It ends with a short overview of the key topics and arguments of the papers selected in the dossier.References
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