

Consumer behaviour, cosmetics, metropolitan males, shopping, Turkey.


In the last few decades, individuals have become more conscious about their image and appearance. Furthermore, due to the changing gender roles, men started using cosmetic products increasingly. As a result the beauty industry has flourished enormously. This study aims to examine attitudes of Turkish men towards cosmetic consumption and to identify the factors that are likely to influence men’s cosmetic consumption behaviour utilizing data collected from Turkish males. Results indicate that self-esteem, lifestyle, societal beliefs, shopping and self-image are critical determinants of men’s cosmetic consumption. Findings further suggest that cosmetic shopping behaviour of men is linked to self-image and lifestyle. Furthermore, significant relationship between self-esteem and self-image, and between societal beliefs and lifestyle come to the fore. The paper ends with implications for the marketers and theoretical contributions to the growing research on gender differences.

Author Biographies

Nezihe Figen ERSOY, Anadolu University, Turkey,

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Anadolu University, 26470, Eskisehir, Turkey,

Medet YOLAL, Anadolu University, Turkey,

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Faculty of Tourism, Anadolu University, 26470, Eskisehir, Turkey,

Bülent BATMAZ, Anadolu University, Turkey,

Lecturer, Open Education Faculty, Anadolu University, 26470, Eskisehir, Turkey,


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How to Cite

ERSOY, N. F., YOLAL, M., & BATMAZ, B. (2015). COSMETIC CONSUMPTION OF METROPOLITAN MALES IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRY. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Negotia, 60(3), 5–22. Retrieved from


