

strategy, organizational structure.


The topic of strategy-structure relation has already been widely discussed in the literature but the research so far concentrated mainly on large enterprises in developed countries while not much research has been done on a sample of small and medium-sized enterprises in the so called transition economies. This study aims to answer the question whether the strategy is a factor determining organisational structure in small and medium-sized enterprises and whether the structures of small and medium-sized enterprises applying various strategies have different characteristics. Strategies and related organisational structures of SME were analysed using a sample of 380 companies from the SME sector in Poland. The research was carried out using the CATI (computer assisted telephonic interview) method, which made it possible to analyse a large group of enterprises. Factors determining the organisational structure were chosen on the basis of a literature review. The description of organisational structures was based on the concept of Burns and Stalker, identifying mechanistic and organic structures, the different features in respect of level of formalisation, centralisation, standardisation and organisational structure configuration. Strategies were identified according to their development direction (diversification, internationalisation). Unfortunately, the findings of this study show very weak statistical relations between strategy and organisational structure dimensions. This may be associated with other factors influencing the structure of small and medium-sized enterprises, and requires further study. However, in managers’ opinion, applied strategy is one of the most important structure-creating factor.

Author Biography

Wioletta MIERZEJEWSKA, Institute of Management, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland,

PhD, Institute of Management, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland,


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How to Cite

MIERZEJEWSKA, W. (2016). STRATEGIES AND STRUCTURES OF POLISH SMES. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Negotia, 61(1), 5–26. Retrieved from




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