
  • Brîndușa Mariana BEJAN Marketing Department, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; e-mail:



self-esteem, consumer behaviour, extended self, buying process


Within the consumer behaviour literature, there are few studies in the consumer behaviour literature dealing with the relationship between consumer self-esteem and its role in the buying decision process. This paper explores the influence of self-esteem throughout the five stages of the consumer buying decision process. The first aspect for consideration is getting a clear picture of the definition and dimensions of self-esteem. The second element of the study concerns the five stages of the decision-making process, with special focus on how the process takes place depending on the level of self-esteem. The results show that impulse purchasers have more often than not a low level of self-esteem and do not go through the stages of the decision-making process in the usual way. With respect to managerial implications, the study indicates that organizations have to pay more attention to customer self-esteem when making customer segmentation, as, at the moment, the focus is only on demographic differences (age, gender, background, education) which do not always provide sufficient information. The evidence shows that self-esteem plays an increasing role in explaining consumer behaviour and sheds light on how individuals make decisions which mould their existence.

 Article history: Received January 31, 2023; Reviewed February 27, 2023; Accepted March 10, 2023; Available online March 30, 2023; Available print April 30, 2023.

 JEL Classification: M30, M31


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How to Cite

BEJAN, B. M. . (2023). THE ROLE OF SELF-ESTEEM IN THE BUYING DECISION PROCESS. A THEORETICAL APPROACH. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Negotia, 68(1), 67–80.




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