


SMEs, tourism, internet, ICT, online.


The aim of this paper is to emphasize the role of the internet and especially of modern online instruments for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in tourism. First, the literature review reveals the most important trends concerning the implications generated by the rise of the internet as a business tool for tourism SMEs. SMEs in the tourism market confront themselves with fierce competition from large companies. However, the advent of online marketing generates important opportunities to be seized by SMEs and often a level-playing field. The material is developed around the adoption and usage of the internet and ICT by tourism SMEs. The up-to-date online instruments available to tourism SMEs are explored and investigated in detail, revealing thus interesting findings about the benefits SMEs can reap when they approach the online environment. The paper ends with some conclusions concerning the possibilities opened up by online instruments for tourism SMEs. Finally, a specific set of measures is suggested for improving the online presence of SMEs.

JEL Classification: L83


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How to Cite

MARINESCU, N. (2018). ONLINE TRENDS FOR SMES IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Negotia, 63(1), 35–53.




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