Call For Papers
Starting in March 2008, we launched the release of a new series of musicology magazines under the name of “Studia Universitatis Babeş‐Bolyai”, with the title of “MUSICA”.
If anyone is interested in publishing with us, we gladly accept your collaboration by editing your studies in an elegant and qualitative form.
The magazine is published twice a year:
‐ For the first number of the year the deadline for the receiving of the studies is 15th of March.
‐ For the second number of the year we accept the studies up to 15th of September.
We accept articles in English (United States). We can receive the studies in an electronic form sent to the following e‐mail address:
We are interested in any papers related to MUSIC.
All the authors are responsible for submitting manuscript in comprehensible English (United States) and ensuring scientific accuracy.
Authors must complete the Declaration of Authenticity and send it to the editor together with the study. The form for this declaration can be downloaded from the website.
Authors must pre-register on the ORCID website and submit their system-generated ORCID unique number with the study for publication: ORCID.
Due to the musical examples that are inserted in the studies, the authors are asked to apply in their studies the format types:
Margins: Top = 4.8 cm; Bottom = 4.8 cm; Left = 4 cm; Right = 4 cm.
Orientation: Portrait
Paper size: A4
Layout: From Edge: Header = 4.8 cm, Footer: 4.6 cm;
Tick the boxes: Different odd and even and Different first page!
ARIAL, the size of the letters = 11;
Align text: Justify.
First Line Indentation: Left, 1.25 cm.
Line spacing: Single
Spacing Before Lines: 0 pt; Spacing After Lines: 0 pt.
STYLES: Normal.
Font: ARIAL, MACROS, BOLD, the size of the letters = 12; Align text: Center
The author's name is placed under the title:
Font: ARIAL, MACROS, BOLD, the size of the letters = 11; Align text: Center
The order of the name: first name then surname.
Name of several authors are separated by a comma.
FOOTNOTES: the size of the letter = 9; Align text: Justify; Line spacing: Single
Spacing Before Lines: 0 pt; Spacing After Lines: 0 pt.
!!! Important: The titles that are quoted into the footnotes will have their translation into English put in round brackets in Italic the (Translated Title)
‐ Hanging: 0.35 cm
Studia UBB Musica uses the MLA8 Citation System. For Guide, click here:‐guides/mla‐8/
Citation Example for books:
Coca, Gabriela. Ede Terényi – History and Analysis. Ed. Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2010.
Citation Example for papers:
Coca, Gabriela. “A Profile Sketch in the Mirror of one Work: Sinus for Clarinet Solo by Cristian Misievici.” In Studia UBB Musica, LVI, 2, 2011, pp. 287-303.
Punctuation is important!
When quoting a Web Page, the date of access must be mentioned in brackets.
‐ The size of the letters in the list of references: 10.
!!! Important: The titles of the books (or papers, web pages links) that are quoted into the footnotes must be noted in the list of references as well!
TABLES: will be numbered in Arabic (for example: Table 1) - written above the table on the top right. They are written using Font: ARIAL, BOLD, the size of the letters = 11, Alignment: right
On bottom of the tables:
‐ The title of the table: centered, on bottom of the table, the size of the letters: 10
- The content of the table: size of the letters: 10
MUSICAL EXAMPLES: will be numbered in Arabic (for example: E.g. 1) - written above the example on the top right. They are written using Font: ARIAL, BOLD, the size of the letters = 11; Alignment: right.
On bottom of the example:
‐ The origin of the musical example (Composer, Work, and Measures Number taken from the score) is mentioned: on bottom of the example, with the size of the letters: 10, ARIAL, BOLD; Alignment: Center
FIGURES and PICTURES: the quality of the figures / pictures, the Xerox copies or the scanned drawings must be very high quality.
- The Figures and Pictures will be numbered in Arabic (for example: Figure 1 or Picture 1) - written above the example on the top right. They are written using Font: ARIAL, BOLD, the size of the letters = 11, Alignment: right.
On bottom of the figures and pictures:
- Under each illustration, there must be an explication of the figure / picture attached with the size of the letters: 10, ARIAL, BOLD; Alignment: center.
Each study must be preceded by a SUMMARY into English of 10‐15 lines:
‐ Indent full text of summary in the left side: 1.25 cm
FONT: ARIAL, the size of the letters = 10.
Each study must be containing under the summary 3‐6 KEYWORDS extracted from the study.
‐ Indent in the left side: 1.25 cm
FONT: ARIAL, the size of the letters = 10.
Each study must include, next to the name of the author on the footnote there must be mentioned the name and the address of the institution where he/she is hired, the profession (the didactic rank), and the contact e-mail address of the author.
Each study must contain a short AUTOBIOGRAPHY of the author (ONLY 10‐15 LINES), placed after the REFERENCES at the end of the paper.
The autobiography should be formulated as a cursive text, in the 3rd person singular.
‐ The size of the letter: 10.
In this short autobiography, the author can link to a personal web page, where readers can find more information about himself and his work. This excludes Facebook pages. We recommend institutional pages, or a profile page on