
  • Silviu-Claudiu BORȘ Doctorand în arhitectură, Cadru didactic asociat la Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism, Universitatea Tehnică Cluj-Napoca; arhitect în cadrul SRCF Cluj,



spa town heritage; heredity; succession; leisure culture; cultural tourism.


Heredity and succession in the Romanian spa phenomenon. Sângeorz-Băi and the present-day situation of a neglected heritage. Romania’s spa phenomenon represents quite a cultural conundrum. The understanding of the country’s travel heritage is rather limited, with only its historical, Belle Époque manifestation being generally regarded as a generator of heredity, at the expense of its socialist counterpart, which succeeded it in both time and space. A case can certainly be made that although the vocabulary of the two embodiments’ principles sometimes differs, the grammar behind their lexicon remains fairly similar. The present paper argues that the path taken by the totalitarian regime’s expression of leisure can be regarded as a complementary contributor to the cultural value of the field, considering the two simply as opposites only serving to diminish their cumulative legacy. In this regard, Sângeorz-Băi, a small town in the northern county of Bistrița-Năsăud will serve as an exponent of the various perks and misadventures that these particular urban entities have faced. Investigating the subject will not be an easy task, seeing that the entire literature on spa towns is rather augmented by personal views and subjective writings, therefore the entire discourse’s foundation will be aiming at dissecting the psychologies behind the words of the sources and trying to unfold their meaning. The article’s mission becomes that of excavating the picturesque and entangled past of Romania’s spa towns, by reading their becoming as a story that needs to be exposed to current day possible visitors, through a new lens - that of cultural tourism, with the present-day architectural and cultural juxtaposition of the spa phenomenon’s occurrences being highlighted not as an end, but as a starting point.


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