IN MEMORIAM: Lucia Ana Ţeposu Marinescu (6 September 1935 – 31 August 2020)


  • Mihai BĂRBULESCU Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University. E-mail:


Through Lucia Ţeposu Marinescu („Lucia David” for us, the former students, then „Luci”, and for very few „Anişoara”) an aristocrat of the spirit has disappeared. Because this is how she was educated at home, by two professor parents. Because this is how she carried herself. She knew what, and how much to talk, similarly to a minister, even if she was dealing with a cleaning lady or a royal highness, a postman or a foreign savant. She would do it in Romanian, German, French and Italian. She was an aristocrat because she was able to gift science and friendship, help and compassion. Because she opened doors for others. Because she knew how to be happy for other people’s success. Because she knew when it was time to stop, and she knew that at a certain stage in life it is preferable for former colleagues to ask about yourself „I wonder how she is doing?”, rather than „is this one never going to give up its position?”.




How to Cite

BĂRBULESCU, M. (2020). IN MEMORIAM: Lucia Ana Ţeposu Marinescu (6 September 1935 – 31 August 2020). Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia, 65(1), 143–147. Retrieved from



In Memoriam