biomass, bioenergy, agriculture, rural development.Abstract
Measuring the Energy Potential of Biomass for Firing Purposes by Statistical and Geographical Methods in the Case of a Hungarian Settlement. During our research we developed a method allowing to survey easily and quickly the herbaceous and woody biomass potential of any settlement in Hungary based on statistical and geographical data. Derived from the data, which can obtained from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, it could be easy to calculate the assumable energy requirements of a given settlement. On the grounds of the method, one can recognize the settlements in a short period of time which may be suitable for the establishment of sustainable biomass-based cogeneration units on the long-term. The method can be applied in other countries as well, if the relevant national statistical database is available. During the research the town of Ibrány, which is lying in the north-eastern part of Hungary (fig. 1), was analysed in detail from multiple aspects. Furthermore, the suitability of Ibrány was analysed in order to find out whether potential bio-energy investments could be implemented in the town or not. In pursuance of the research, based on the Hungarian literature, Ibrány was found to be capable of the implementation of a bio-energy investment.
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