Bucharest, 4 September 2020
Collaborators (employed + “associated” researchers) – at CE-MONT: Prof.dr. CS 1 Ioan Surdu; Dr.eng.siv. CS 2 Ionel Popa; Prof.univ.dr. CS 1 Liviu Gaceu; Dr.ec. CS 2 Daniela Antonescu; Dr.eng. CS III Dănuț Gîțan; Dr.eng. CS III Dănuț Ungureanu; Dr.ec. CS III Manuela Apetrei; Dr.inf. CS III Simona Cornelia Marinescu; Dr.eng. CS III Vasile Avădănei; Eng. CS Carmen Cătună; Dr.doc.pr. Mihai Valică; Prof.univ.dr. Ion Cucui (as.); Dr.PhD., Ovidiu Bojor (as.), Member Academy of Medical Sciences; Prof.univ.dr. Romulus Gruia (as.); Dr.ec. Otilia Manta; Lector univ.dr. Alexandru Cordoș, Președinte – Filiala Cluj – FMR; Prof.univ.dr. Ioan Plăiaș; Eng.entrepreneur Emil Iugan, Vicepresident of the Romanian Mountain Forum.
Bogdan, T. A., Rey, R., Paraschivescu M., Ispate I. (2007), Contributions to the development of a strategy for achieving the biodiversity of mountain animal husbandry, in the context of climate change and the sustainable development of mountain communities, RMF National Seminary, Bucharest, ASAS.
Bojor, O. (2006), Development of rural areas in the Apuseni Mountains. The Roşia Montana case and the protection of the mountain environment, RMF National Seminary, Bucharest.
Brown, R. L. (2008), Plan B 3.0 – General mobilization to save civilization, Technical Press, Bucharest.
Buciuman, E. (1990), Strategy and action in the mountain area, Tribuna economică Magazine, no. 44.
Bucur, C. (2006), The fundamental strategic role of the mountain areas in Romania in the creation and development of the Romanian folk civilization and in the definition of our national identity, RMF National Seminary, Bucharest.
Ebner, M. (2008), Interim report - on the situation and prospects of agriculture in the mountain and hill areas, European Parliament – Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development - INI.
Gîţan, D. (2005), The vocational training of young mountain farmers - a component of sustainable development in the Romanian Carpathians, RMF National Seminary, Sibiu.
Hera, C. (2006), The message of the president of the “Gheorghe lonescu Şiseşti” Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, RMF National Seminary, Bucharest;
Huber, B. (2001), European Union policy in favor of mountain areas, „Mountain policies in Europe” international conference, Bucharest.
Ionaşcu, Gh. (2007), The effects of climate change and the human mountain habitat, RMF National Seminary, Bucharest, ASAS.
Jelev, I. (2007), Indicators for assessing climate change and some aspects specific to the mountain area, RMF National Seminary, Bucharest, ASAS.
Maruşca, T. (2007), Valorization of the mountain pastoral and agrotourism fund in the new context of climate change in the Carpathians, RMF National Seminary, Bucharest, ASAS.
Plăiaş, I. (1994), Mountain agriculture - society. A necessary possible contract. The Apuseni mountains, Libris Press, Cluj-Napoca;
Rey, R. (1979), Future in the Carpathians, Edit. Scrisul Românesc, Craiova.
Rey, R. (1985), Mountain Civilization, Scientific and Technical Press, Bucharest.
Rey, R., “Mountains and the 21st century. Comparative study of European strategies on mountain areas, with special reference to the area of the Romanian Carpathians (ASAS Award);
Rey, R. (2006), The European context and the state of crisis in Romanian mountain agriculture and rural areas, The rural world - today and tomorrow, coord. acad. Cristian Hera, Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest.
Rey, R. (2014), Thematic sub-program for the mountain area. Multiannual strategy concept, RA – MARD, 2014.
***, Proceedings of the meeting of the World Association of Mountain Populations, Quito -Ecuador, September 2002;
***, Report of the “International Summit on Sustainable Development” - Johannesburg, 2002;
***, Global Mountain Summit - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 2005;
***, “European Charter for Quality Mountain Products” – 2005 (Euromontana);
Journal of Montanology, Vol. I-XII (2014-2019)
Romanian Parliament (2018), Mountain Law no. 197/2018
Romanian Government (2008), Government Decree no. 1460/2008: “Romania's National Strategy for Sustainable Development 2013-2020-2030”, MO no. 824/8.12.2008.
*** Strategic Guidelines for the Sustainable Development of the Mountain Area, Memorandum
Delegated Regulation (EU) no. 665/2014 of the Commission, of 11 March, 2014, to complete
Regulation (EU) no. 1151/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding the conditions for the use of the optional quality mention “mountain product”.
The works of the High Level Meeting for Environment and Sustainable Development in the Danube-Carpathians region.
“European Commission decisions on rural development, in the context of COVID-19” (4 May 2020).
“European Green Pact”/The European Commission. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – of the Commission (Bruxelles – 11.12.2019/COM 2019640 final). P8_TA-PROV.
Resolution PE/10 Mai, 2016 on cohesion policy in the EU's mountain regions (2015/2279 (INI).
“The Carpathians of Romania - at a crossroads of history. The need for a “Sustainable Mountain Development Strategy” and a constantly applied “mountain policy” - in the context of the climate and demographic challenges of the 21st century” (Economic Information and Documentation Center, the “Economic Problem” series – 37 p./2007) (Prof.univ.dr.h.c. Radu Rey) – Romanian Academy/National Institute for Economic Research/ Romanian Center for Comparative Economics and Consensus.
Proceedings of the National Conference on Mountain Development – Romanian Academy, 1997.
Proceedings of the CE-MONT/INCE National Conference, Bucharest, Academy House, 4 July 2019: “Mountain Economics in the multi and interdisciplinary context. Realistic and visionary features and perspectives”.
The works of the National Debate “The Romanian economic model in the EU. Romania, Horizon - 2040.” The mountain area – a major strategic segment in the economic-social-cultural ensemble of Romania. CE-MONT/INCE contribution (under the auspices of the Romanian Academy/INCE –BNR headquarters/15.XI.2019).