Diamond Open Access
Babes-Bolyai University official website
Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences
Centrul pentru Managementul Cercetării Științifice
Publicații științifice UBB
Evaluation Form (form for send by email):
-Review Mode: Anonymous Reviewer/Anonymous Author.
-Reviewers will not be given access to the submission file until they have agreed to review it.
-Reviewers be sent a secure link in the email invitation, which will allow them to access the review without logging in. Access to other pages requires them to log in.
-Number of weeks to accept or decline a review request: 2.
-Weeks allowed to complete the review: 4.
-We do not accept articles that have been published or submitted for publication in other journals.
Please fill in the online Evaluation form. The comments will be made available to authors. The final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript will be made by the Subject Editor.
The authors will be announced on the acceptance or rejection of their papers and about the suggestions made by the reviewers. All papers are reviewed independently at least by two referees, but the authors are entirely responsible for the content of their papers.
The paper submission for the Studia UBB Ephemerides volumes are programmed as follow:
‐ For volume 1 the final papers will be received until the beginning of March;
‐ For volume 2 the final papers will be received until the beginning of October.
The submitted articles are evaluate as follows:
Evaluation Form:
1.Original data
The scientific contribution of the paper is original (yes/no, comments if necessary)
2.The title
The title is clear and reflects the object of study (yes/no / comments).
3.The abstract
The abstract synthesizes well the content of the article (yes/no, comments if necessary).
4.The introduction
The introduction presents the relevance of the article for the given field and quotes the main results obtained by other authors concerning the subject (yes/no, comments if necessary)
Discussions are comprehensive; original data are analyzed in the context of previous results in the field (yes/no, comments if necessary)
Recent and well chosen (suitable) bibliography. There is a clear match between the bibliographic references from the end of the article and the ones quoted in the text (yes/no, comments if necessary)
The vocabulary used is academic, without incoherencies or grammar mistakes (yes/no, comments if necessary)
8.Other comments to author(s)
The recommendation for publication:
The review report can also be sent by e-mail to studiaephemerides@fspac.ro.
©Studia UBB Ephemerides. Published by Babeș-Bolyai University.
ISSN (online): 2065-9555 | ISSN (print): 1224-872X | ISSN-L: 1224-872X
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.