The Influence of Ball Elasticity on Throwing Speed and Grip Strength in Female Handball Players


  • Alexandru Andrei GHERMAN Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Corresponding author:
  • Leon GOMBOŞ Interdisciplinary Research Center in the Domain of Physical Education and Sport, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Adrian PĂTRAŞCU Interdisciplinary Research Center in the Domain of Physical Education and Sport, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Raul ACHIM Interdisciplinary Research Center in the Domain of Physical Education and Sport, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania



Ball Elasticity, Throwing Speed, Palmar Strength, Handball, Exercise-Induced Fatigue


Introduction: This study examines ball elasticity’s impact on throwing speed and palmar strength in female handball players. Objective: We hypothesize that ball elasticity influences throwing speed and palmar strength. Methods: Nine players were grouped by ball elasticity and underwent grip strength measurements, throws, and exercise. Results: Exercise had no significant throwing speed effect; palmar strength decreased. Elasticity showed minimal differences, but hard balls slightly impacted post-exercise speed. Conclusion: Exercise impacted palmar strength, but not throwing speed. Elasticity subtly affected post-exercise speed.

Influența elasticității mingii asupra vitezei de aruncare și a forței de strângere a mâinii la jucătoarele de handbal. Introducere: Acest studiu examinează impactul elasticității mingii asupra vitezei de aruncare și a forței palmare la jucătoarele de handbal. Obiectiv: Emitem ipoteza că elasticitatea mingii influențează viteza de aruncare și puterea palmară. Metode: Nouă jucători au fost grupați în funcție de elasticitatea mingii și au fost supuși măsurătorilor de forță de prindere, aruncări și exerciții. Rezultate: Exercițiul nu a avut un efect semnificativ asupra vitezei de aruncare; puterea palmară a scăzut. Elasticitatea a arătat diferențe minime, dar mingile dure au afectat ușor viteza post-exercițiu. Concluzie: Exercițiul a afectat forța palmară, dar nu viteza de aruncare. Elasticitatea a afectat subtil viteza post-exercițiu.

Cuvinte-cheie: elasticitate a mingii, viteză de aruncare, forță palmară, handbal, oboseală indusă de exercițiu

Article history: Received: 2024 November 21; Revised 2025 January 24; Accepted 2025 January 27; Available online: 2025 February 10; Available print: 2025 February 28


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How to Cite

GHERMAN, A. A., GOMBOŞ, L., PĂTRAŞCU, A., & ACHIM, R. (2025). The Influence of Ball Elasticity on Throwing Speed and Grip Strength in Female Handball Players. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Educatio Artis Gymnasticae, 69(4), 5–15.




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