medicine, research, misconduct, incidence, preventionAbstract
Research misconduct is widespread phenomenon, which in medicine can potentially harm people. Its prevention includes educating researchers, promoting authors integrity and ethics, lowering academic pressure, creating and obeying norms, but also inspection for plagiarism or fraud. Scientific misconduct is a widespread phenomenon, belonging to the category of irresponsible research of inappropriately performed or published studies (12, 17). By producing unreliable results, wrong decisions are made, resources wasted, people harmed or killed and environment endangered. Thus, it is important to prevent and uncover scientific misconduct and to promote scientific honesty (5). Responsible research encourages general trust in science and scientists (7). One of the most problematic fields regarding research misconduct seems to be medical science (2, 17). Contemporary medicine is evidence-based, meaning that every decision in medicine should be supported by scientific proof. The explosion of medical writing can be partially explained by scientific progress and new technologies being applied in diagnostics and patient treatment. Still, when investigated more thoroughly, besides original papers, a significant number of publications in medical journals can be classified as some type of research misconduct (2, 19).
Conduita greșită în cercetarea medicală. Conduita necorespunzătoare în cercetare este un fenomen foarte răspândit, care, în medicină, poate afecta oamenii. Prevenția acesteia include educarea cercetătorilor, promovarea integrității autorilor și a eticii, scăderea presiunii academice, crearea și ascultarea de norme, dar, de asemenea, investigarea actelor de plagiat și a fraudei.
Cuvinte-cheie: medicină, cercetare, conduită necorespunzătoare, incidență, prevenție
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