Kant, practical reason, ethics, categorical imperative, deontologyAbstract
Transcendental Ethics and the “Critique of Practical Reason” – Critique and Evaluation. One of the most prominent ethical system is Kant’s deontological ethics, exposed in his critique of practical reason. The basis off all this ethical system relies on the categorical imperative, that is, obedience of the will by the will of obedience in itself. We consider such an ethics first of all as deceitful, because it lacks an objective basis. Kant’s only basis is his moral faith, which lacks objectivity. On the other hand, we propose a realistic ethics based on the objective criteria of right reason. Kant’s ethics, based on the blind fulfillment of the act itself is also contrary to human nature, the latter being actually moved by a different purpose in all its actions. Therefore, lacking an objective basis and a purpose Kant’s ethics lacks any true obligation, therefore making the subjective intention of law obedience the only criteria in order to consider human actions as morally good. On the other hand, we consider the real human being, naturally moved by purposes in its actions, and who’s moral goodness depends on the object, intention and circumstances of any human action. The postulation of practical reason also presents many problems, first of all because they are not the result of rational speculation, but an act of blind faith in one’s own will. Human liberty according to Kant presents no particular interest, cause it’s all about the noumenal human and not the real human revealed to us by our conscience. Kant’s proof of the existence of God and of the immortal nature of human soul are just a pure and absolute adherence of our faith to what our will wishes to be, therefore none is a true proof, just blind faith. We, on the other hand, speak about the true liberty, of the real human being, as we actually experience it. Also, we consider God and the immortal nature of the human soul as truths of natural reason, proven so after applying the principle of causality to the empirical evidence.
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