BOOK REVIEW: Vasile Rojneac, "Sfântul Niceta de Remesiana. Viaţa şi activitatea" ["Saint Nicetas of Remesiana. His life and activity"] (Cluj-Napoca: Cluj University Press), 2017, 330 p.


  • Răzvan PERȘA Reverend, Assistent Professor PhD, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:


At a first reading of the title, any reader would presuppose that this book is just a simple monograph of a Saint of the Orthodox Church, written by compiling ancient sources and on the ground of countless academic papers, a book only for scholars interested in the life of a Saint of the fourth and fifth centuries. Fortunately, this presupposition is totally wrong. The book published by Vasile Rojneac and presented as a doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of Cluj-Napoca, under the coordination of Rev. Fr. Professor Dr. Alexandru Moraru, is a work of great importance that deals with the detailed analysis of the life, activity, works, theological concep-tions of a Saint, who was unfortunately overlooked by Orthodox theological research despite the fact that the Ortho-dox Theology of the 20th century was influenced by the so-called neo-patristic synthesis promoting a return to the Fathers. This kind of synthesis was fo-cused mostly on the Cappadocian Fathers or on the Greek Fathers from the Eastern part of the Roman Empire. The book analyses the vast pastoral and missionary activity and the theological and dogmatic works of Saint Nicetas, bishop of Remesiana, a city in the Roman province of Dacia Mediterranea.




How to Cite

PERȘA, R. . (2017). BOOK REVIEW: Vasile Rojneac, "Sfântul Niceta de Remesiana. Viaţa şi activitatea" ["Saint Nicetas of Remesiana. His life and activity"] (Cluj-Napoca: Cluj University Press), 2017, 330 p. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa, 62(2), 195 – 197. Retrieved from



Book Reviews