BOOK REVIEW: Liviu Vidican-Manci, ‟Propovăduirea Evangheliei în era digitală”. Impactul catehezei și al predicii asupra „generației digitale”, prin utilizarea noilor tehnologii ale informației și comunicării [‟Preaching the Gospel in the Digital Era. The Impact of Catechesis and Sermons on “the Digital Generation” by Using the New Technology of Information and Communication”] (Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2020), 254 p.


  • Bogdan GABOR PhD, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email:


Preaching the Gospel in the digital era is a necessary and important work for our present technological society, which is so familiar with the online environment. At the same time, the work is a very good spiritual help for our modern society. It represents the results of Father Liviu Vidican-Manci’s efforts of approaching, understanding and entering the mind and soul of the digital generation, in order to read and understand this hidden code of faith, as the image with the Holy Cross suggests, from this book’s cover. The image of the processor and the binary code 1 and 0, within the Cross, represents somehow the fact that we have the responsibility to discover and to preach God even in those places where we may think He is missing. We can still find God in other forms, into the soul of these young users, their thoughts and ideas, freely expressed in this global digital community.




How to Cite

GABOR, B. . (2020). BOOK REVIEW: Liviu Vidican-Manci, ‟Propovăduirea Evangheliei în era digitală”. Impactul catehezei și al predicii asupra „generației digitale”, prin utilizarea noilor tehnologii ale informației și comunicării [‟Preaching the Gospel in the Digital Era. The Impact of Catechesis and Sermons on “the Digital Generation” by Using the New Technology of Information and Communication”] (Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2020), 254 p. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa, 65(2), 209 – 212. Retrieved from



Book Reviews