Senegal: A Typically African Country?




colonialism, slavery, négritude, independence, French Community, Françafrique, elite, president, crisis, coup d’État, corruption.


The young nation of West Africa, part of the former French colonial system, has a long history showing a clear integration within the context of the Sahel region. After independence, it followed a particular evolution: though its economic and social development was not free of the contradictions and the failures so characteristic for former colonies, compared to other African states, Senegal showed a considerable political stability, successfully avoiding civil wars, military coups and dictatorships and maintaining a multiparty system. However, recent evolutions show a certain tendency towards constitutional instability, a weakening of the rule of law and certain signs of drift towards authoritarian governing. The present international situation of the Sahel and of West Africa represent a further challenge for Senegal, because it can play a crucial role there showing a positive example, on the condition of preserving its stability and democracy.


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How to Cite

KOVÁCS, C. M. (2023). Senegal: A Typically African Country? . Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Geographia, 68(2), 165–180.


