



vacation homes, tourism evolution, spatial and temporal analysis, ArcGIS 10.2 analysis


Recreational activities related to second homes date back to antiquity. However, despite its spatial and temporal extension, the vacation homes tourism has not been analyzed simultaneously from both a typological and evolutionary perspective. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify the main second homes᾽ patterns from Roman Empire to contemporary times in parallel with the evolution of tourism (as a general form) in the geographical and historical region of Transylvania. To achieve this goal, this study has been divided into two parts. The first part was carried out through a literature review across various fields (geography, history, literature, architecture, archaeology, tourism) in order to identify the spatial evolution of second homes᾽ patterns used for recreation purposes. The second part followed a case study design, with in-depth analysis of vacation homes᾽ patterns in Apuseni Nature Park (Cluj and Alba Counties). The last one was achieved through direct field research succeeded by data processing in ArcGIS10.2 software and mapping of the resulted patterns. Results showed a total of 28 vacation homes᾽ patterns in the studied period, with significant fluctuations due to the socio-political and economic background and the development stage of tourism as a general form. These findings with concrete examples enhance our understanding towards the size, forms and length of the phenomenon, and can serve as a theoretical and methodological base for future research.


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