settlements, Crișul Repede River, population size, first reference in documents.Abstract
The present study aimed to research the settlements in the upper basin of Crișul Repede River considering two factors. A first aspect focused on carrying out a settlement ranking based on the number of inhabitants (population size), while the second considered the first documented reference of the settlements. The two-folded research was performed by having as model the scientific literature in the field. In order to better understand the long-lasting and the continuity of habitation in the studied area, we used statistical data taken from the National Archaeological Record of Romania (RAN). We conclude that there is an increase in the number of small-size settlements throughout the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st, at the expense of the medium-sized and large settlements. This points to a process of depopulation of the studied area. In spite of this process, we can emphasize the habitation continuity and settlement in the upper basin of Crișul Repede River.
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