The design and execution of a laboratory micro hydroelectric power plant
micro hydroelectric power plant, renewable energy, Pelton turbine, 3D printerAbstract
The paper presents a laboratory micro hydroelectric power plant destined to applicative activities. The hydraulic turbine is a Pelton turbine, rebuilt by fast prototyping in Geomagic Design X and printed on a 3 D printer. The turbine casing and the afferent elements are made in-house. The hydrogenator is synchronous being an alternator from a Dacia vehicle. The hydrogenerator load is constituted by 3 groups of light bulbs. We analysed the working of the micro-hydroelectric power plant in idle run and for different loads. As a result of the analysis we found out that it stably works for different loads and by its open construction it is useful for developing students’ ability to understand the phenomena. The installation designed and executed is useful for the engineering students as the pandemic forbids the thematical visits in hydroenergetic facilities.References
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