economic effects, Olympics, economic impact, multiple effect, demand, supplyAbstract
A number of researches and economic analyses deal with the economic effects of the various sports events. These researches try to find out if it is profitable to organise a sports event or why it is worth, when and how the invested capital returns for the host country. Mainly for hosting mayor international sports events like the Olympic Games or the World Championships and continental competitions (e.g. EC) do the countries rival guessing the chances and analyzing the expected economic impacts and the return on investment. However, it is difficult to forecast the recovery effects or to quantify them considering the various locations. The Olympics will result in economic benefits for the host country. In the preparatory phase, the economy-stimulating effect, the additional demand for tourism and the multiple effects of tourism are the most extensive. Hosting such an event will structure the economy even after the event by increasing the effect of image thus attracting foreign capital.References
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